Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Play Math, Feed Brains...

Little boys playing with cars is as natural as summer following spring...just add a tiny twist and they add some math knowledge too...I was quite surprised when I asked  the older boy what 7 plus 3 was and he responded 9...took him a bit to realize it was 10.  More practice.  They get more than math out of it too, they get to refine their motor skills, and of course a place to park their cars...they have more than 5 times this many cars...when we were playing with them we also counted wheels. Which means counting by fours. For you adults, the wheels are the multiplicand and the cars are the multiplier, and we would write it 4 x 6 = 24, multiplicand, multiplier, product.   That is 4 taken 6 times NOT 6 x 4 which is the same product but we didn't have 4 cars with 6 wheels each did we.  The 5 and 6 year olds (and even the 7 thru 12 year olds don't care and you don't need much of a lesson on this at this age. I mention for the confused adults...soon we will tackle why we invert and multiply too, but not today.

The "milk" is made in a vitamix, soon we'll have a vid on that too. It's pretty easy to make, just stick the stuff in and put it on high...nutrient dense food, in liquid form.

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